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About Us

Contractors in Collaboration

An Alliance of Expertise

Contractors in Collaboration is a collective of independent subcontractors who have joined forces to offer builders a unique advantage in the construction process. While we are not one company, our alliance operates with a unified purpose: to provide superior results, reduce unforeseen challenges, and maximize value for builders.

Each member of our group brings their own specialized experience, and together, we offer a seamless, coordinated approach to your project. With shared values and a long history of successful collaboration, we ensure that you get the best quality, efficiency, and cost savings without compromising on reliability. Trust in Contractors in Collaboration for a well-rounded team of experts dedicated to making your build a success.

Our Members

How it works

We will provide the following, as a benefit to you, if contracted on the same job

  • No Chargebacks - We will not back charge each other, we will work out any differences we may have between us, without the need of your time and involvement. Click here to view our No Charge Back Zone Chart
  • Weekly Meetings - We will hold weekly meetings on site, amongst ourselves and/or with your upper management and/or owners, to assure a seamless flow in scheduling.
  • Collaborative Value Engineering - We will jointly and separately provide value engineering to help you bring the overall cost of the project down while increasing the value of the structure. We actively pursue the opportunity to collaboratively engineer your project prior to construction. We have the ability to proactively and aggressively analyze your plans to help reduce your overall costs, especially since all members have the same goals and priorities.
  • Enhanced Safety Standards - We will ensure all safety and OSHA requirements are being met within our teams' scope. We hold weekly tailgate safety meetings to stay on top of any points of concern. Each trade is able to hold each other accountable as we are all in this project together striving for the same result.
  • In-House OSHA Training - We will provide free certified OSHA training for your employees we conduct training for our own.
  • Code of Ethics - We will uphold the Code of Ethics between us as a group, to ensure you the highest level of craftsmanship possible.
  • Shortened Timelines - With increased trade contact and communication our project efficiency increases our ability to deliver projects on-time and usually ahead of schedule. View our timeline calculator, to see our savings model.

Timeline Calculator
Timeline Calculator

The timeline calculator represents the savings created through effective heads up communication and coordination between the CNC members through advanced planning, scheduling, field workmanship and completion of the project. All translate into accelerated timelines which saves you daily capitol interest. Please enter your desired numbers in the field marked as yellow in the table given below.


"Is there a discount if I use all 7 players in the CNC?"

- There is a quantifiable discount if you figure the time saved by using 7 major subcontractors who guarantee total coordination and cooperation on your project (No backcharges between the trades, weekly meetings between onsite foreman, able to meet or beat the construction schedule.) Please check our handy cost saving calculator on our website.

Please click here to use our calculator

"What if I only sign up 2 or 3 from the CNC, any benefits there?"

- Absolutely. All members of the CNC are totally committed to working through tough scheduling issues and not back charging each other to slow down the process.

"Is anybody from the CNC willing to sit down with our team and help value engineer our plans?"

- We would love to help you save money anyway we can. If fact we ENCOURAGE you to invite all of us to your VE meetings and we will collectively find ways to trim your costs by tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars before you turn one shovel of dirt. This is most effective if done not just individually by trade but also jointly with all CNC players at the same time early in the design process. Many of our participants can design assist or complete full design drawings with licensed engineers to stamp their plans.

"Can I attend a CNC meeting?"

- Of course. But be prepared to bombarded with ideas and suggestions to help you save money, save time, and have a terrific job experience with 72% of your sub base.

"Is this another one of those lead sharing groups where a bunch of sales personnel meet to exchange their latest leads on projects starting in the area?"

- No. This is a group of owners that meet on a regular basis whom recognize the interdependency of each other in making a difference on not only the cost of a job to the GC/Owner but to each other's bottom line. With the increasing pressure to cut costs, these owners have dug deep into all costs and designs on a job to insure the LOWEST cost, HIGHEST quality structure while bringing it to completion on time.

"To take full advantage of all savings CNC offers, at what stage of my project planning process should I get them all involved?"

- Get them involved in the design stage as a group, either through having their personnel design their specific trade or thru design assist with your architect and engineers. This matches the industry hands on expertise with the design professionals thereby eliminating unnessary costs, change orders during construction, and scheduling delays while issues during construction are figured out.

"Is there one single contract?"

- There will be a contract issued to each trade contractor and the scopes of each trade are individually negotiated. Boiler plate contract language can be negotiated and agreed to by all members of CNC through one member if multiple members have the contract if requested by Owner/GC.

"Is there one point of contact?"

- There is one point of contact for each member company and each member company keeps all other member companies informed on a weekly basis with projects being bid, awarded and in process (weekly meetings on jobs in the field).

"What if there is a contractural dispute, does that effect all of the members?"

- See second bullet above. Each trade will have its own contract and disputes will be handled per contract as it is very rare to have a blanket dispute covering all members at one time (except for non-payment or a blanket CD claims)

We will provide the following, as a benefit to you, if contracted on the same job
We will provide the following, as a benefit to you, if contracted on the same job

Our trades make up an average of 75% of your total overall construction costs. Having that percentage of trades working together with one shared goal works to your advantage, from value engineering, to warranty work. Below is a graph that shows the overall distribution of our collaborative coverage.

No Charge Back Zone
No Charge Back Zone

The "No Charge Back Zone" means any area that our affiliated trades cover you will have no charge backs to administer, dispute, carry or cover. Our trades guarantee that we will take care of any back charges on any project we interface with one of our collaboration members.